Treatment Options

Metal or Clear Braces

Technology is rapidly advancing and there are many orthodontic devices available today. You will be able to choose, together with Dr. Becker, between metallic and clear, porcelain braces which are less visible.

Do you have a favorite color? Red, blue or even purple? Well, colors are an option too. Dr. Becker uses colored rubber bands to match the child’s preferences.

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Clear Aligner ("Invisalign") Style Appliances

Today, more and more adults are seeking orthodontic treatment. Some never had it as children and some experience teeth movement later in life. Clear aligners give an almost invisible treatment option. This advanced technology needs to be planned very meticulously in order to achieve an excellent result. These clear aligners will allow you to continue in your everyday life not feeling self-conscience of your orthodontic treatment.

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Impacted Teeth

Impacted teeth refer to teeth that do not grow in, but rather “get stuck” in the jaw. Over-retained “baby” teeth can suggest tooth impaction. Some impacted teeth just grew in the wrong direction and, in other cases, something may be blocking the way.  Having small teeth, for example, can facilitate impaction; as can an early trauma to the “baby” teeth. Early follow-up and detection may simplify treatment options, so waiting for all the teeth to fall out before starting treatment, in these cases, would not be the right thing to do.


In many cases, precise image planning is enough to successfully treat and actively draw the tooth into its place. But unfortunately, these techniques cannot always prevent a tooth from becoming impacted. In some cases, minor surgery, with an oral surgeon, becomes necessary to assist the tooth or teeth to move into place. 


Wisdom teeth can also be impacted or badly positioned and can therefore cause damage to adjacent teeth and bone. Wisdom teeth can cause straight teeth to shift. Cases of wisdom tooth pain or shifting should be closely monitored, and in some intsances, referred to an oral surgeon for extraction.


Impacted teeth left untreated can cause damage to the adjacent teeth.  


Dr. Becker has many years experience of successfully treating impacted teeth.   

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Jaw Alignment and Adjustment

In many children and adults, the jaws themselves do not “sit” aligned. In some cases, the upper jaw is too far forward, or perhaps, the lower jaw is relatively small. In other cases, the lower jaw may protrude forward and seem “too big”. Still, in other cases, a narrow upper jaw can cause cross bites and jaw shifting to one side. 

In growing children with these types of issues, early detection and intervention can be crucial.  Careful analysis and a personalized treatment plan can, if and when necessary, treat these issues early by guiding the child’s differential jaw growth and expansion with functional appliances. This is known as “Early” or “Phase 1” treatment. Beginning early, in many cases, can simplify Phase 2 treatment later on down the line. Waiting for all the “teeth to fall out” is not always the correct strategy. There are many procedures that can and should be done earlier in order to assist the teeth to grow into healthier surroundings. Early assessment by an Orthodontist is advised.

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